2010 Das Fahren von Perth durch China nach Rotterdam
2010 Das Fahren von Perth durch China nach Rotterdam
Von April bis Mai 2010 fuhr ein australisches Ehepaar mit seinem Toyota durch den Yunnan-Tibet-Highway, den Sichuan-Tibet-Highway, den Xinjiang-Tibet-Highway und die Taklamakan-Wüste. Sie fuhren mit Toyota auf die härteste Straße Chinas von Yunnan nach Xinjiang.
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010
Drive Around the World through China, from Perth to Rotterdam 2010